Final statistics for EGC 2018
In many way, this year's congress set a new precedent for Western Go events and reflect the rising popularity of the game in the last few years.
Subscribers to our website were at 1476 when we closed registration; however, many of them didn't end up making it to the congress. The official number of guests, volunteers, teachers, and organisers is 1176. Some registered players probably missed collecting their badges and goodies from the registration desk, but did, in fact, participate. So including them, our estimated number of participants should be around 1200.
As for the main tournament, last year's congress in Oberhof counted an already hugely impressive 811 participants in the Open European Championship. Attendance in Pisa broke this record at 900 players.
A total of 1021 players participated in at least one official tournament. There were a total of 47 countries represented in the tournament. The most players came from Germany (217), second most from China (203), third from France (176), and fourth from Japan (136). Shoutouts also to the participants from the following countries who came here all alone. Hopefully your Go community will grow and you will come with more people next year: Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Belarus, Cyprus, Iceland, Macao.
Thank you so much for coming and enjoying a wonderful time with us. The European Go Congress owes all its success to you!