BREAKING: Yoon Nam-gi wins the Open European Championship
In an exceedingly exciting finish, Yoon Nam-gi 7d from South Korea won the Open European Championship in the very last round! He ended up being the only player with 1 loss in the top group of our main event. He merely lost against Kim Dae-hyuk 7d, also from South Korea, who thus placed in second. Liao Xingwen 6p, professional player from China, placed third in the end. He was long considered the favourite for the overall win due to his calm, powerful style that most of his opponents had a hard time dealing with. However, Mr. Liao suffered two losses at the tailend of the tournament. One against the new champion Yoon Nam-gi and one against Kim Young-sam 7d, also from South Korea. Young-sam placed in fourth overall.
The players ranking 2 to 4 all had the same scores and were decided through SOS (sum of opponents' scores) as a tie breaker. The even distribution of results shows the extremely high level the top boards in this tournament have been fought over this year. A fitting conclusion to our congress!